February 12, 2021

3 min read

5 tips for a successful host family experience from the 2021 Host Family of the Year

Sonia, an au pair from Germany, joined the Leeuw family in July 2020 and instantly felt at home. The Leeuw family has a long history with the program, having hosted nine au pairs to date, and exemplifies what it means to go above and beyond the typical host family requirements. Their commitment and passion for the program earned them the 2021 Host Family of the Year award. Below, Sonia and host mom Sarah share their top tips for creating a successful and meaningful au pair experience.

Tip #1: Pay attention to personality

In their first year of matching, Sarah and her husband focused mainly on an au pair’s childcare experience. However, they soon realized that personality fit was just as important, if not more, than specific experience or background.

“John created a questionnaire that has nothing to do with childcare. It asks things like, ‘What’s your favorite movie? Music? Sport? If you won the lottery, what would you do?’ It helps us learn about their personality,” says Sarah.

They’ve found that seeking au pairs who enjoy romantic comedies and outdoor activities has led to better matches for both their family and the au pairs.

Tip #2: Stay in touch before arrival

To ease the transition for their au pairs, the Leeuws make an effort to stay connected after matching. “We try to email several times a week,” says Sarah. “I also follow them on social media and invite them to follow me, so they can get a sense of our life. We try to set up a call once a month, so they can also talk to the kids.” This effort made all the difference for Sonia, who shared, “From the first time I met my host family, I felt like I’d known them for a lifetime.”

Tip #3: Make it a warm welcome

Sarah takes special care to prepare the room for each new au pair and create an ultra warm welcome. “I usually make a basket with Vermont goodies—chocolate, syrup, and even a sweatshirt with ‘Burlington’ on the back,” she says.

Sarah also asks about food preferences before their au pairs arrive to make sure the kitchen is stocked with familiar or favorite foods. “Food can be stressful for new arrivals, so I want them to feel comfortable from the start.” Once settled, the family encourages their au pairs to feel at home. “John always says, ‘This is your house now. Eat whatever you want, come upstairs, it’s all yours!'’”

Tip #4: Invest in the relationship

Spending time bonding with their au pairs is a priority for the Leeuw family. They include their au pairs in all family holidays and vacations. Sarah fondly recalls a road trip to Wisconsin, “We spent three days in the car, but we had so much fun. Time flew by, and it brought us even closer together.”

Tip #5: Communication is key

Sarah’s final tip is simple but crucial: communicate openly. “I think the key to our success is communication and being completely upfront from the beginning. I’ve seen families struggle because they don’t communicate as well.” This honest communication builds mutual trust. Sonia emphasized this trust in her nomination letter: “My host parents are like friends to me, and I know I can always count on them. They would do anything to help me, and I would do the same for them.”