February 3, 2021

4 min read

3 reasons to consider a rematch au pair

A rematch au pair—or in-country au pair—the terms are used interchangeably—are au pairs who have matched and started their year with one host family but have decided to part ways. Now, they're looking for a new host family to join.

It's important to note that the reason most au pairs and families enter into a rematch is due to personality differences or a breakdown in communication.

“When a host family and au pair aren’t seeing eye-to-eye and don’t take time to talk about their problems, the relationship can deteriorate pretty quickly," confirms Terry Bell, Matching Specialist for Cultural Care Au Pair. “Most of the rematches that happen are because families and au pairs have given up on fixing their differences and want a fresh start.”

Two other reasons rematches commonly occur are driving and language abilities. In these cases, an au pair's driving experience or English level may not be as advanced as their host family needs. However, another family may find their skills match up.

Regardless of why an au pair and host family decide to break their match, if the au pair is cleared by Cultural Care staff to re-enter the matching pool, there are many advantages to welcoming them into your family.

1. They are available right away

Au pairs who are in rematch are typically available to travel to a new host family's home very quickly, usually within weeks, and in some cases, just days.

2. Homesickness isnt as common

While homesickness is a common struggle for au pairs, Those in rematch are typically beyond that stage and excited to continue their au pair journey with a new host family.

3. Theyve already had time to acclimate

Since they’ve already had experience with American family life and culture, rematch au pairs generally don’t need nearly as much time to adjust. They can more easily jump right into the house, routine, schedule and life.

To consider rematch au pairs who are available, use the filters on our app or talk to your Matching Specialist.